Please keep safe, stay at home & stay well. |
Landlord Property Management update-Following Government restrictions
Given the lockdown restrictions that have been put in place in order to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we wanted to keep you all up to date on how we will be operating until the Government confirm that the restrictions in place have been lifted.
The safety to yourselves and our contractors are key so we must follow the Government guidelines, however we will be contactable for support throughout these troubled times.
Renting a New Property
For those tenancies due to end in the coming weeks, we have asked your tenant(s) to confirm their move status to enable us to act accordingly. We will be in touch with you further if you have tenant due to vacate.
Maintenance Issues on Rental Properties
Should there be any maintenance issues on our rental properties (management service only) we have advised your tenants to report to us in the normal manner.
Please note that due to closures/reduced services of maintenance companies, we will be limiting any non-urgent and small repairs moving forward but of course will continue to deal with any emergencies that arises.
Mid-term inspections
Please note that Property inspections have been place on hold until further notice.
Gas Safeties
As agents we have been encouraged to arrange all annual gas safety checks as early as possible, as a contingency if your tenant were to go into self-isolation for a period of 14-days (in line with current guidelines), or gas engineers being unavailable due to illness. The two-month period to carry out annual gas safety checks should provide adequate resilience in most situations.
Rental payments
We understand that many of our landlords will be worrying about families, friends and now possibly rent over the next few months. We want to reassure you that we will be working with all our landlords and tenants to ensure we all come through this together. We have requested that your tenant(s) contacts us immediately if they feel a situation may arise, as we are aware that some of our landlords also rely on the income to live and we will do our best to assist you through these times.
Property Management hours
We will be working remotely, therefore please communicate with us via telephone and email as normal. Please note our opening hours during this time will be 10:00–16:00.
Health and welfare
The health and welfare of you all is important to us, and if you are feeling low or isolated in these times, please reach out to us.
Please also see latest Government support available for landlords and renters reflecting the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:
We wish you and your families the very best of health during these unprecedented times.